Posted by Mr.Ed on January 6, 2012 at 5:07am in Spirituality In General
The reason cannabis remains illegal to this day is not much of a secret. A select group of people make a ton of money from the prohibition of marijuana and they will go to any lengths to keep it illegal.
But there are some out there new to the cannabis movement, and many of them wonder why a natural plant is so demonized and forbidden. This video – although from 2010 – explains it simply and is the perfect rallying cry for marijuana law reform forces in 2012. Spread this video far and wide.
Information is power for those who are on the right side of history.
High Times Magazine:
Why Is Marijuana Still Illegal?
http://the420times.com/2012/01/why-is-marijuana-still-illegal/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+The420Times+%28The+420+Times%29Alex Jones Video: (short clip)
Discovery Channel Documentary - Weed Wars:
Weed Wars: Medical Marijuana Hits Reality TV - YouTube
Marijuana Myth & Facts:
Marijuana - Myths And Facts - YouTube
Why is Marijuana still illegal? Alex Jones - Joe Rogan - Weed Wars (Videos) - Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community Network.
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