Before marijuana/cannabis was made illegal in the United States in 1937, it was used in a wide array of medical products. The antique cannabis book documents over 600 products.

Have you heard of the Eli Lilly the well-known pharmaceutical company? They are the manufacturer of some well known medicines that you have probably heard of - Prozac, Cialis, Zyprexa, Methadone and many many more. The photo below is of a Cannabis "tincture" produced by this company in the 1900's.
The photo above is from Parke-Davis, a subsidiary of the pharmaceutical company Pfizer. Pfizer marketed the first widely available treatment for epilepsey (Dilantin), they also developed the first bacterial vaccine, and were one of the first companies contracted to manufature the Salk vaccine used to eradicate polio.

Learn more history and see more photos at the antique cannabis website.