Ganja Vibes Blog

5 Things You Didn't Know About Masturbation

5 things about masturbation women may not know:

1. "Normal" masturbation in women takes many forms.

Most women, like men, have masturbated at least once in their lives, research suggests. Frequency varies, and there's no "normal" for that. There's no ''normal" cutoff age, either, with the practice continuing into the 80s and beyond. Women may feel guilty about it, especially if they are in a committed relationship, but there’s no need for guilt, sex therapists say. Sometimes a partner could just be tired, out of town, or otherwise unavailable. There is no one "method" of masturbation in women that's normal. "A range of ways is 'normal,''' says Paul Joannides, PsyD, a psychoanalyst in Waldport, Ore. Fingers and vibrators are two common methods of women's masturbation. More than half of 2,056 women, aged 18 to 60, used a vibrator either during masturbation or intercourse, says Debby Herbenick, PhD, MPH, associate director of the Center for Sexual Health Promotion at Indiana University, Bloomington, who led the survey. Other women who masturbate report they use the back of a vibrating toothbrushhead, the handle of a hairbrush, or water jets in the bathtub, Joannides says. Although some experts worry about side effects from vibrator use, such as genital numbness or pain, less than 30% of the women in Herbenick's vibrator survey said they had experienced them. But another expert, Frank Sommers, MD, a Toronto psychiatrist, worries that excessive vibrator use during masturbation could desensitize women to orgasms with a partner. “I tell my patients, ‘Look on a vibrator as whipped cream -- you wouldn’t want to eat it every day.’’’ He believes too much vibrator use ‘’habituates your autonomic nervous system to such stimulation that a human could not duplicate it.”

2. Masturbation can improve your mood -- without the ''obligations'' of partnered sex.

However a woman chooses to masturbate, it can improve her spirits. "It can improve a depressed mood," says Kathleen Segraves, PhD, a sex therapist and associate professor of psychiatry at Case Western Reserve University and a therapist at Metrohealth Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio. "Not clinical depression, but the 'blue funk' days." "With solo sex, there is no distraction, and you can focus on your own experience without making sure someone else is having a good time," she says. It doesn't mean you don't love your partner, maybe just that you need to think only about yourself sometimes, experts say. "The woman doesn't have to be outside her head, wondering, 'Am I taking too long?'" Segraves says.

3. Masturbation can improve your sex life with your partner.

Women who masturbate on a regular basis learn what feels good for them, Segraves says. "It helps build sexual confidence," she says. "It helps you guide the partner when you have a partner.” You can say, for instance: "Please put your hand here," and not be embarrassed, she says. Women who use a vibrator during masturbation tend to have better sexual functioning with a partner, Herbenick says. Sex therapists typically recommend masturbation for women who have a difficult time reaching orgasm. It can help them learn about their body and feel less self-conscious. "We know that women compared to men have a harder time learning to orgasm," Herbenick says. Masturbating can help, and masturbating with a vibrator may help even more, she says. "Using a vibrator, for reasons we don't understand, helps women orgasm." The survey is published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. Those who used a vibrator, she found, even if it had been a year since the last use, "had better sexual functioning in terms of vaginal lubrication, desire, arousal, and ease of orgasm, and they tended to have less pain or discomfort during intercourse." But "it may be that those who don't find sex painful tend to use a vibrator,” she says.

4. Masturbation can help you relax.

Women are more apt than men to over-analyze a bad day and think: "How could I have done this better?" They are more likely than men, some researchers have found, to replay an argument or bad interaction with people in their head. It all adds up to excess stress. Researchers call this rumination, and it has been linked in numerous studies to depression. "If you can start pleasuring yourself, that will often interfere with ruminations," Segraves says. "Not all the time," she says. But it may help.

5. Masturbation can provide pain relief.

Women who masturbate often report that it helps relieve menstrual cramps and to improve the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS or PMDD), such as irritability and crankiness. Masturbating to orgasm may help migraine, too. Although orgasm has sometimes been found to trigger a migraine headache, it may also relieve it, according to some research. Scientists speculate that some factor associated with orgasm (by yourself or with a partner) may suppress pain or actually suppress the migraine process. via Female Masturbation: Understanding Vibrators, Orgasms, and Self-Pleasure for Women.

The PMS/Pot Proclamation

By "Dr Kate" - Monday, August 31 1998 Eat some chocolate, run a hot bath and bask in the remedy that is straight from mother earth! Feel better, Ladies! Sourced from Cannabis Culture Mag Hundreds of testimonials show that marijuana can alleviate PMS! In the 1800's cannabis was commonly used by women to ease menstrual cramps and labour pains. Yet by 1920, women were influenced into thinking that the symptoms they had around their period were due to innate physical problems, and their reproductive organs were often removed as a cure. Nowadays, women are often told that their very real physical symptoms are psychological, and handed a script for a prescription for antidepressants or tranquilizers. These harsh drugs take weeks to build up in the system enough to produce a noticeable effect. It seems like overkill to take something that can throw many of the body's systems out of balance and cut down sex-drive, every day of the month, to try to cut symptoms that typically last 3-5 days, before and during a woman's period. Often, all that's needed to relax the tense, stimulate the sluggish, and soothe the crampy, is a couple of puffs of RCMP ? Royal Canadian Marijuana Products. We can now proclaim to the world that for many women PMS is hugely alleviated by cannabis resin. The proof lies in my collection of testimonial letters submitted by women from around the globe via the internet and regular post. These personal experiences prove that women should be insisting on access to this good herb if they are victims of this disorder, which can be disabling and even marriage-threatening in extreme cases. Almost 200 letters, stories, and submissions are powerfully convincing, many poignant to the point of inspiring tears in the eye of the reader, some too private to ever print. What follows are just a few typical examples: Hi Dr Kate. I have used marijuana cigarettes for my premenstrual rages and grumpiness for the last 15 years. Works like a charm. My family is glad. What else would you like to know? A husband writes: My wife has used marijuana to control nausea and lessen cramps. It seems to work very well, even in low doses. A Canadian lady writes: About your medical marijuana and menstrual discomforts, etc. I have used it for many years for pre-menstrual cramps and bitchiness? PMS! It helps me to mellow out and to tolerate the intense lower pains that I get once a month for about 3 days. From a man in the US: My live-in girlfriend suffered from severe cramps and depression for 2 to 3 days a month during her period. She did not smoke pot until I suggested it might help out with this, since watching her suffer was agonizing for me too. The results were even better than expected, and she continues to smoke pot for this condition. She did do some rare occasional recreational smoking, but every cycle the pot would make her life considerably easier. She has since moved to a state where anti-pot laws are severe, so she often does without for this reason. And finally, from a teenager: Dear Dr Kate, I have smoked up since I was 14. Now I'm 17. My mom found out and so I had to stop, but when it's that time of the month, I sneak over to my friend's house if she has some, because it really helps the cramps and headache. Herbal remedy experts In my studies of herbal remedies and natural healing methods I have found only a small handful of herbal expert writers courageous and honest enough to include cannabis in their repertoires. One of these is the late,great Dr John R Christopher, author of School of Natural Healing, the greatest herbal and natural healing instructive text. He and other early herbalists call cannabis by the name Indian Hemp, but there is no doubt they are referring to the medicinal herb. Dr Christopher lists cannabis in 11 different categories of usefulness, including Hypnotic, Antispasmodic, Analgesic, and Emmenagogue, which is described as follows: Herbs that are female correctives to the reproductive organs, which stimulate and promote a normal menstrual function, flow and discharge. Susun Weed is the only prominent herbalist of our time who is brave enough to speak up in defense of the much-slandered herb. She also explains that cannabis as an important emmenagogue, and describes the benefit of a couple of puffs of nice, warm bronchial-dilating smoke as "good exercise for the lungs." I quote her "Wise Woman" philosophies often, because they are full of common-sense insights and down-to-earth wisdom. She has knowledge only experience can bring. Susun is revered among midwives and natural women of all ages who want to take responsibility for their own bodies. Dr Kate can be reached by email at: Home Remedies and Natural Cures for Menstrual Cramps Treatment From Menstrual Cramps Home Remedy Using Heating Pads Many women have found that a heating pad placed on your lower back or abdomen helps to ease the pain and discomfort of menstrual cramps. If you don't have a heating pad, one can be easily made by filling a sock with flaxseeds or uncooked rice and heating it in the microwave for 1 to 2 minutes. Menstrual Cramps Home Remedy Using Chamomile Chamomile is widely used to treat gynecologic complaints such as menstrual cramps and discomfort related to premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Add 2 teaspoons of dried Chamomile flowers to a cup of boiling water and let it steep for at least 5 minutes. If you are using a package of Chamomile tea bags, then follow the directions as stated on the box. Honey or sugar can be added for taste. A good preventive measure is to start drinking Chamomile tea a couple of days before you are expecting your period, and then drink at least 2 cups everyday during your period. It also feels great if you use your hot mug as a hot compress for your lower abdomen while you are drinking it. Vitamins and Minerals for Treating Menstrual Cramps Foods and supplements that are rich in B-vitamins, calcium, magnesium, and zinc have been found to reduce the pain, bloating and other symptoms of menstrual cramps. In particular, calcium is known to help maintain muscle tone as well as prevent cramps and pain. For most women, a daily intake of 800 mg of calcium is recommended, which can be found in 3 cups of milk. Increasing magnesium is also recommended, since it helps the body absorb calcium. Good sources of magnesium include beans, whole wheat, tofu, salmon, shrimp, nuts, and vegetables. Regular Exercise as a Natural Cure for Menstrual Cramps Exercise is considered to be a natural way to reduce muscle tension and elevate one's mood. Therefore, maintaining a regular exercise program, including something as simple as walking for 20 minutes each day, can help reduce the severity of menstrual cramps. Ginger Root Tea to Relieve Menstrual Cramps Ginger root has been found to help relieve the pain associated with menstrual cramps. Therefore, a simple soothing herbal tea can made from Ginger as follows: Slice a handful of ginger root Let the pieces simmer in boiling water for 15 minutes Using a strainer, pour the tea into a drinking cup or mug Add some honey as a natural sweetener if desired