Posted July 24th, 2012 by Johnny Dank & filed under 420 Jam, Events, Marijuana and Food.

‘Cheers’ had it right — people love going to places where they know your name — a community of friends in all walks of life embracing one another. Washington being a pro marijuana state with legalized cannabis, the “Ever-Green” state has fully embraced the “community” in medical marijuana community, with some cultivating to physically build one. On one hand we have medical marijuana card holding patients that like to get their pot and run, debating on where to smoke weed; and others that mash-up their love of marijuana with mingling and shopping — Mary Jane meets the farmers market.
This idea isn’t just an idea in a haze…Washington Farmer’s Market in Olympia provides a stoner’s haven for market fare. Open to the public and not being exclusive, the 420 friendly patients and vendors welcome all passerby’s with a smile and open arms; even if you’re the novice stoner still learning how to smoke from a bong.

The marijuana farmer’s market embodies why marijuana laws need to be re-addressed. The market is all about weed; having fun, enjoying the marijuana treats, while learning about all the medical benefits of pot and the exponential medical possibilities of THC and cannibinoids. With about 20 tables, vendors offer anything for the medical marijuana patient to salivate over from marijuana flowers, pot brownies to pot seeds and dank concentrates. Competition helps to have high quality pot products for a low cost, with free weed to sample for patients that donate. With energetic sativas for the day stoner and sedative indicas for the night pot smoker.
With many people with a ‘wake and bake,’ on the go mentality, Sonshine Organics provides relief. This medical marijuana collective runs on the same high grounds as the Washington Farmer’s Market and has a unique feature – a drive-thru. Sonshines own Sarena Haskins says, “It’s perfect for the busy mom on the go, who don’t want to leave her children in the car.”

A staple for the growing marijuana niche market is their food, like any other well-groomed farmer’s market. The BBQ pork slider, infused with cannabutter, from Chef Bilbus Yeoldshire is a must have for all patients. A bang for your buck being less than $5. For stoners with a sweet-tooth, there is a bevy of potent medicated weed treats which include: hash brownies, dark chocolate chip pot cookies and cannabis peanut butter cups.
With a serene and energetic atmosphere for all ages to enjoy; the Washington Farmer’s Market, hopefully, is the start of an ongoing influx of Pot Farmers Markets around the country so more medical marijuana patients can take pleasure in — A safe and nurturing environment for the medical marijuana community. Vendors and patients alike entertaining, educating one another for the greater of medical cannabis.
Identical to the typically, socially-accepted local farmers market minus the cannabis – there’s never a bland moment. With live music, smoking lounges, entertainers at every corner. Hopefully one day there will be a “C” answer to: “Want to go to the farmer’s market?”
A.) Yes
B.) No
C.) Which one? Pot or not?
Medical Marijuana Community Cultivating Pot Farmers Markets |