Ganja Vibes Blog

The Final Days of Prohibition!

Dear NORML supporters,
Please make plans today to join NORML in Los Angeles, October 3-6 for the 41st annual national NORML conference. This year's forward-looking theme: The Final Days of Cannabis Prohibition The host hotel is already near capacity and online registration is available. NORML's annual conference is the premiere gathering in America of cannabis law reform activists and organizations working for public policy alternatives to the country's failed Cannabis Prohibition laws. This election year, voters in as many as four states will have the opportunity to vote in the affirmative on legalization initiatives. Additionally, numerous states have passed cannabis law reform measures, placing much needed pressure on the federal government to follow suit. NORML's annual conferences are always informative, community building and fun!
Please take the opportunity now to register for NORML 2012 and reserve your discounted room at the host hotel. For table vending and conference sponsorship opportunities, please send an email to:
2012 NORML Conference Roundtable Panel Topics (sample of agenda topics):
  • Seventy-five Years of Cannabis Prohibition in America, October 3, 1937 - October 3, 2012: A review of the Cannabis Prohibition epoch in America
  • Broken Promises: Obama Administration and Federal Blowback Against Medical Cannabis Industry
  • Pot-n-Politics 2012: A review of reform initiatives and legislation impacting cannabis consumers
  • Whatever Happened to Hemp?
  • Cannabis and the 'Demo' Gap Problem: Who Does Not Support Cannabis Legalization and Why?
  • Cannabis and Senior Citizens in America: A Propitious Amalgamation
  • Cannabis Legalization and Taxation: What Might It Look like?
  • Shifting Demographics of Medical Cannabis Consumers
  • Reducing Cannabis' Fear Factor Among Americans
  • New England Storm: Has the Epicenter Of Cannabis Law Reform Moved East?
  • Cannabis Activism Workshop
  • High Times' All Things Cultivation
  • California activist and stakeholder meeting
Thanks in advance and I hope to see you at NORML's 41st annual national conference this early October in Los Angeles. Cannabem liberemus, Allen St. Pierre Executive Director NORML / NORML Foundation About NORML.

OUTLAW Bullshit!

Ever since I was a kid, I've loved Roseanne. Her television show depicted a real American family and the struggles we all face. No matter the sums of money in the bank or the "class" society wants to put any of us in, "Roseanne" was something we all can relate to. Admit it or not. These days Roseanne is still a lone voice of reality and reason for the people. She's on the ground with us, she's hilarious and who better to represent the voice of the people than the Domestic Goddess herself. [youtube] So, FORGET you selfish idiots, moral cowards, greedy incompetents and sexual degenerates! Welcome a new day... Welcome to the Church of Common Sense. Go to her website: Follow her on twitter: @TheRealRoseanne Register to VOTE: Become a part of the movement! Here lies an article so lovingly published on TMZ: ROSEANNE BARR Already a (Bong) Hit with Weed Advocacy Group Roseanne Barr's soon-to-be failed run for President just got a little pick me up -- thanks to the biggest pro marijuana group around, which just announced its support for the comic-turned-politician. The Executive Director of NORML (National Organization for Reform of Marijuana Laws) -- a guy named Allen St. Pierre -- tells TMZ, the group supports any candidate "who will adopt a pro-cannabis law reform plank as part of their political platform" ... especially Roseanne. St. Pierre adds, "NORML welcomes Roseanne’s public support for ending a failed 74-year-old Cannabis Prohibition." As we previously reported, Barr announced her intention to seek the highest office in the land and will go after the Green Party's nomination, campaigning to legalize marijuana. Roseanne has a long history of being pro pot -- her classic sitcom even did an episode on the subject in the mid 90s. Roseanne also lives in two states (Hawaii and California) with progressive marijuana laws. Probably not a coincidence. Disclaimer: Let me be clear here, although this blog has to do with sex, the purpose of it is education. This is a place for people to use their minds, while enjoying entertainment and soon, find the amazing sexual simulators designed by Ganja Vibes to help keep those sexual degenerates in their rightful place - controlling the obscene, regulating disease, relieving themselves in the safety and privacy of their own personal space. Love her as a comedian, love her as a freedom fighter, love her work as an actress and would LOVE HER AS PRESIDENT. NO MATTER HOW HARSH HER WORDS, AT LEAST WE'D GET THE TRUTH!

Willie Nelson

"I think people need to be educated to the fact that marijuana is not a drug. Marijuana is a herb and a flower. God put it here. If He put it here and He wants it to grow, what gives the government the right to say that God is wrong?" ~ Willie Nelson