Ganja Vibes Blog


Missing that Thanksgiving day spread now that the coma has subsided? It's ok, maybe you'll get some turkey breasts for Christmas. ;) 1461431_633149950074459_1953838365_nThanks to our facebook friend FrankP for finding this delectable treat for us!  

12 Odd, Racy Thanksgiving Pin-Ups of Scantily Clad Women

Is Thanksgiving the un-sexiest holiday ever? Maybe. Unless the possibility of drunken sex with your tipsy divorced aunt or uncle trips your trigger, of course. But America -- back when it really was America -- was not going to be dictated to by prudes trying to keep the hawtness out of the day. The pin-up industry worked hard to come up with turkey-themed product, and the results were....odd, to say the least. It helps, of course, that a turkey is perhaps the least-sexiest animal imaginable, outside of a camel. But even if the photographers just stuck with a Pilgrim theme, you can still feel the desperation. Here are 12 attempts to bring sexy back to Thanksgiving.   12. Kinky So the Pilgrims were into a little handcuff/S&M? It would have livened up every high school production of The Crucible. 11. Subtle "Check out dis ass, fellas!!!" (Helpful locator arrow included.) And isn't the whole point of Thanksgiving the peaceful celebrating between Pilgrims and Native Americans? On the other hand, it wouldn't be the last time a Thanksgiving dinner devolved into violence. 10. A beer bong! Or maybe it's a blunderbuss. Because, you know, that turkey could go into kung-fu self-defense mode any second now. 9. Suck on this Marilyn Monroe taunts a turkey over his imminent, blood-spattered demise.
8. A modern take A noble attempt to keep the dying art of Making Thanksgiving Sexy alive for a new generation. 7. Don't bogart that peace pipe That look on her face tells it all. Turn up the Phish, dude. 6. A frantic last-second plea to spare a life "Swimsuit lady, I'll do whatever you say! Just let me live!!" (We'd honestly bet that this picture, with her holding a glass of water, is referencing the old 'turkeys drown in the rain" theory. People were weird back then.) 5. The swinging Sixties "That's it, baby, rub that turkey all over your naked body...oh, yeah..." We're guessing the drugs helped. 4. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the Early Years Nothing says "sexy" more than a pin-up, with every square inch of her torso covered, teasing a helpless animal before she takes a huge ax to its neck. 3. Yeah, it's a stretch But at least you see some skin. 2. Dancing at the execution If there's anything that makes her want to dance, it's killing a leashed animal and feasting on it. Music, maestro, please!! 1. Seriously, boss -- you try making a sexy turkey picture This artist just threw up his hands, and you can't blame him. 12 Odd, Racy Thanksgiving Pin-Ups of Scantily Clad Women (Semi-NSFW) - Houston - News - Hair Balls.

Happy Thanksgiving!

The idea of "being blessed" is not only a monetary existence, it's a state of mind. In the realms of having everything, there are some that could find it in them to still be ungrateful and unhappy. Not around here, Not us. Beautiful things about Ganja, the frame of mind it induces and the bottom lines such inhibitors help you find are the simple ideas of life is beautiful, small things are wonders and we all can exist in love, light and peace. So many amazing events have occurred, incredible people have given the world their gifts and communities have band together this year to find the grounds they need to stand upon and make change for the better. We are truly in amazing times. As eyes, hearts and minds open wide to where reality meets possibility, we all rise. Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for your support, family, friends and strangers....light and love to you in all forms!