Curiosity is a catalyst

Don't shy away when it takes hold of what you think is your "better judgment". Curiosity is SO very healthy. It can help you find the things you love and will cherish forever more. While on the flip side, curiosity can help you realize those things you thought were "just right" for you, are so far from what you could ever begin to want to handle. We live life in interesting times now. Fast times, truly fast times. It's ALL "out there". Tits and ass. Beefs and brawls. With that said, where is the tenderness? Where is the intended love behind our public actions? We are all walking around bumping into each other, acting. When it's all hanging out and when you're playing it cool, because that's what we do you then find happiness, have you? We can't continue to numb ourselves. Connection is what makes life beautiful. Connect with yourself, realize who you are. Experiment with others, be sure it's done out of love and include a little tenderness. With respect to sex, whether you like it dirty, soft, with many or with one person, once or many times- please each other or yourself to the fullest extent necessary. Love yourself, love each other with integrity. Don't be afraid to let curiosity guide you into those circumstances that help you discover yourself. All while fulfilling the basic rule of mutual respect for life and needs. Be kinky, be real, be open, be available- mentally - be present- or just be. Above all be kills that cat in a good way sometimes. ;-}

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