Ganja Vibes Blog

Who is greedy, That's right the cops are. What ever happened to "Protecting & Serving the People"

You'd think they'd be grateful to do more focused work on actual crime. But I guess crime really doesn't pay. I guess the "great people" who "protect society" took their jobs with the "best intentions"...The biggest thieves, Gestapo, mob wanna be-s of today. Read on...
Police Groups Furiously Protest Eric Holder's Marijuana Policy AnnouncementImage
WASHINGTON -- A broad coalition of law enforcement officers who have spent the past three decades waging an increasingly militarized drug war that has failed to reduce drug use doesn't want to give up the fight. Organizations that include sheriffs, narcotics officers and big-city police chiefs slammed Attorney General Eric Holder in a joint letter Friday, expressing "extreme disappointment" at his announcement that the Department of Justice would allow Colorado and Washington to implement state laws that legalized recreational marijuana for adults. If there had been doubt about how meaningful Holder's move was, the fury reflected in the police response eliminates it. The role of law enforcement is traditionally understood to be limited to enforcing laws, but police organizations have become increasingly powerful political actors, and lashed out at Holder for not consulting sufficiently before adopting the new policy. "It is unacceptable that the Department of Justice did not consult our organizations -- whose members will be directly impacted -- for meaningful input ahead of this important decision," the letter reads. "Our organizations were given notice just thirty minutes before the official announcement was made public and were not given the adequate forum ahead of time to express our concerns with the Department’s conclusion on this matter. Simply 'checking the box' by alerting law enforcement officials right before a decision is announced is not enough and certainly does not show an understanding of the value the Federal, state, local and tribal law enforcement partnerships bring to the Department of Justice and the public safety discussion." The missive was signed by the Major County Sheriffs’ Association, the National Sheriffs’ Association, the Association of State Criminal Investigative Agencies, the International Association of Chiefs of Police, the National Narcotic Officers Associations’ Coalition, the Major Cities Chiefs Police Association and the Police Executive Research Forum. Law enforcement, the police groups said, "becomes infinitely harder for our front-line men and women given the Department’s position." The Justice Department declined to respond. Local law enforcement agencies rely heavily on the drug war for funding. Police departments are often able to keep a large portion of the assets they seize during drug raids, even if charges are never brought. And federal grants for drug war operations make up a sizable portion of local law enforcement funding. The letter warns that marijuana can cause suicidal thoughts, impairs driving and is a "gateway drug." The missive does not, however, address the failure of law enforcement generally to reduce drug use, even while tripling the number of people behind bars. Instead, the police warn that liberalizing pot laws will lead to an increase in crime. "The decision will undoubtedly have grave unintended consequences, including a reversal of the declining crime rates that we as law enforcement practitioners have spent more than a decade maintaining," the officers write. Worse, they warn, more states are likely to follow Washington and Colorado. "The failure of the Department of Justice to challenge state policies that clearly contradict Federal law is both unacceptable and unprecedented. The failure of the Federal government to act in this matter is an open invitation to other states to legalize marijuana in defiance of federal law," they write.  


freedom-road-sign The Federal Government is making their place clear (er). We are happy to read the following document released just today: Our favorite line: photo-4 YEAH, YOU LIKELY MISUSED FEDERAL RESOURCES....just like we've yelled for decades now. END PROHIBITION. norml_remember_prohibition_ Our heart goes out to all of our family members, friends and all beings who have been adversely effected by the misuse of the powers that be. Think of all the patients who needed this medicine, would've been cured, found comfort in the worst of times and appetite when going through the thick of it. So many states have legalized....yet there are many more that need to get with the program. Ahem, Texas. (the place of Ganja Vibe's inception) This fight will continue and if the truth shall set you free, then as GOD as my witness.....We Will Win! Skeptics take note. To the commercial public,  the freedom fighters in our nation, who are ballsy enough to come out of the underground, are walking on water. We need you to WAKE UP. Other related links: ~ HeatherB

First Ever High Times Cannabis Cup, DENVER!!! 4/20/2013

If you've never attended a High Times Cannabis Cup before, buckle your seats and get ready for a dazzling whimsical ride through the back stage door of Canna culture! These folks sure do know how to put on a party, all while educating and spreading the good vibes of activism. Information as follows: high_times_CO_13  


Doors open at noon both days of the expo. The seminar stage is located in the main building of EXDO. The awards show will take place in the expo hall of EXDO’s main building. Friday, April 19 An Evening with Snoop Lion Details to come. Saturday, April 20 1:30 p.m. THE ART OF EDIBLES Elise McDonough (moderator) Jennifer Smith Jennifer Hawkins Scott Durah Jessica Laroux Tamir Wise 3 p.m. MARIJUANA WAR STORIES Michael Kennedy (moderator) Gerry Goldstein Michael Stepanian William Rittenberg Keith Stroup 4:20 p.m. A 420 WEDDING The nuptials of Tim Docken & Michelle Peterson 5 p.m. “FREE WEED FROM DANNY DANKO” 
A live podcast featuring cultivation experts: Adam from T.H. Seeds, Scott from Rare Dankness, Kyle Kushman and D.J. Short Expo closes at 8 p.m. 8 p.m. THE HIGH TIMES US CANNABIS CUP CONCERT AT RED ROCKS (featuring Slightly Stoopid and Cypress Hill) TICKET HOLDERS: Please come to the HIGH TIMES booth to pick up your concert tickets! Sunday, April 21 1:30 p.m. NEW CANNABIS DIRECTIONS AND CONNECTIONS Jen Bernstein (moderator) “Radical Russ” Belville Lenny Gaiter Coral Reefer Paul Tokin 3 p.m. CANNABIS CONCENTRATES 101 Bobby Black (moderator) Derek Cummings Daniel de Sailles K from Trichome Technologies Nikka T 4 p.m. ADVANCED CULTIVATION TECHNIQUES with Nico Escondido 5 p.m. COLORADO’S REVOLUTION/EVOLUTION David Holland (moderator) Rob Corry Christian Sederberg Mason Tvert Brian Vicente 7:30 p.m. THE OFFICIAL HIGH TIMES US CANNABIS CUP AWARDS SHOW Awards will be presented for the top sativas, indicas, hybrids, edibles, concentrates and more.   Source:  

Medical Marijuana State


Sign the petition, Be the CHANGE!

Help change. To list Marijuana as a schedule 1 drug is ridiculous and a hinderance to the natural health care of everyone. Sign the petition, be a part of history and help yourself and your children. Have you enjoyed watching sick family members suffer and diminish because of adverse effects of pharmaceuticals? Choose Cannabis and let your government know where you stand. Don't let fear of voicing facts and your position stand between what's right and what's wrong. Be the change!


Remove marijuana from the federal Controlled Substance Act and allow the states to decide how they want to regulate it.

Some states have clearly indicated that they wish determine how to regulate marijuana at the state level through medical marijuana programs or by legalizing personal use. Please remove federal implications by removing marijuana from the Controlled Substance Act.
Created: Nov 07, 2012





You've already signed this petition

go to:


What a week this has been. For starters, as we were putting to bed our February 2013 issue (we work way in advance) featuring the2013 Hydro Report, Hurricane Sandy hit, and those of us here on the eastern seaboard were suddenly confronted with more water than any of us had ever seen before. Ironic? Poetic? Prophetic? While we were telling you folks how to grow pot in water-based systems, Sandy’s wind and rain took out lower Manhattan, as well as large parts of Staten Island, Brooklyn, Queens, Long Island, and the Jersey Shore. It also took out the HIGH TIMES office for a week.
We learned our own lesson about water – that it has a will of its own and that too much or too little can be lethal for you or your plants.  After a lot of last minute scrambling, we had the issue ready to go.
But stop the presses!
On November 6, something bordering on the miraculous happened. Marijuana was legalized for recreational use in the states of Colorado and Washington,Massachusetts became the 18th state to legalize pot for medicinal use, and folks in Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, and Ypsilanti, Michigan voted to decriminalize.
The Feds must be shaking – and it’s not due to all that coffee they drink on those stakeouts. This is a real coup, and those who worked on these initiatives should roll up a fat victory joint, sit back, and contemplate their place in the history books.
A special congratulations should be offered to a few of the many hard working people behind Colorado and Washington’s successful legalization initiatives.
Mason Tvert, a long-time marijuana law reformer and HIGH TIMES 2012 Freedom Fighter of the Year, is the co-director of the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol, which made history by legalizing up to an ounce of cannabis in Colorado this Election Day.
Not to be out done, Washington’s I 502 legalized pot as well. Alison Holcomb’s tireless work as the initiative’s campaign director and primary architect should be recognized, as should Rick Steves'. The PBS travel host, NORML board member, and marijuana advocate lent his name and time to help the initiative pass – including a multi-city I 502 educational tour.
Those who worked for the initiatives in Oregon and Arkansas that didn’t pass should be proud of themselves too, because they stood and they fought. The Forces of Darkness must not be allowed to succeed unto victory unchallenged. Those in possession of the Light must make a stand. And when Light gets trampled underfoot, it must rise again, because Light, weak as it may be at times, is immortal and will get stronger with every battle it fights. People have a will of their own, too, when they choose to use it.
So say a prayer for those still suffering in Staten Island, Coney Island, Long Beach, the Rockaways, Atlantic City ... The list goes on and on. And really, this is where the Feds should be concentrating their efforts anyway – on helping people in need.
But, man, I cannot wait to see the expression on their faces when we start making the case for amnesty for marijuana prisoners. Because if they don’t send the National Guard in to stop the implementation of these voter initiatives in Washington and Colorado, the federal government is de facto accepting legalization for recreational use, which will set a precedent that defense attorneys can have a lot of fun with.
The fight continues. More updates to come on Peace,
Chris Simunek