Ganja Vibes Blog

Sex and Weed

Have you ever sat back and considered how sex and weed are truly so similar?

You set out with intention
Cultivating the experience
With the right environment
Growing together
Now full-bodied and readied
Feel ecstasy, the passion
Everything blooms
Experience the immaculate
So many ways to feel
So many ways to touch, taste, penetrate you
So many ways to consume
Hash burning so hot
Smoke, vapors rising
Then just like that
It's gone
The people
The plants
The smoke circle
The dance
The high
The chance
To let go
To feel good
To be in and out of your body at the same damn time
Never again to exist in the very same way
Never again to be replicated just so
Your memories the proof
Your nerves the reminder
Your mind's eye set to wonder
Find the same high
So beautiful
Will you find her
~ Ganja Vibes


by HeatherB

First Ever High Times Cannabis Cup, DENVER!!! 4/20/2013

If you've never attended a High Times Cannabis Cup before, buckle your seats and get ready for a dazzling whimsical ride through the back stage door of Canna culture! These folks sure do know how to put on a party, all while educating and spreading the good vibes of activism. Information as follows: high_times_CO_13  


Doors open at noon both days of the expo. The seminar stage is located in the main building of EXDO. The awards show will take place in the expo hall of EXDO’s main building. Friday, April 19 An Evening with Snoop Lion Details to come. Saturday, April 20 1:30 p.m. THE ART OF EDIBLES Elise McDonough (moderator) Jennifer Smith Jennifer Hawkins Scott Durah Jessica Laroux Tamir Wise 3 p.m. MARIJUANA WAR STORIES Michael Kennedy (moderator) Gerry Goldstein Michael Stepanian William Rittenberg Keith Stroup 4:20 p.m. A 420 WEDDING The nuptials of Tim Docken & Michelle Peterson 5 p.m. “FREE WEED FROM DANNY DANKO” 
A live podcast featuring cultivation experts: Adam from T.H. Seeds, Scott from Rare Dankness, Kyle Kushman and D.J. Short Expo closes at 8 p.m. 8 p.m. THE HIGH TIMES US CANNABIS CUP CONCERT AT RED ROCKS (featuring Slightly Stoopid and Cypress Hill) TICKET HOLDERS: Please come to the HIGH TIMES booth to pick up your concert tickets! Sunday, April 21 1:30 p.m. NEW CANNABIS DIRECTIONS AND CONNECTIONS Jen Bernstein (moderator) “Radical Russ” Belville Lenny Gaiter Coral Reefer Paul Tokin 3 p.m. CANNABIS CONCENTRATES 101 Bobby Black (moderator) Derek Cummings Daniel de Sailles K from Trichome Technologies Nikka T 4 p.m. ADVANCED CULTIVATION TECHNIQUES with Nico Escondido 5 p.m. COLORADO’S REVOLUTION/EVOLUTION David Holland (moderator) Rob Corry Christian Sederberg Mason Tvert Brian Vicente 7:30 p.m. THE OFFICIAL HIGH TIMES US CANNABIS CUP AWARDS SHOW Awards will be presented for the top sativas, indicas, hybrids, edibles, concentrates and more.   Source:  

Hemp is suppose to be on our planet

"If it wasn't supposed to be here, then the big guy wouldn't have put it here, hemp is supposed to be on earth." ~Willie Nelson

Vote Hemp

Let US Farmers Grow Hemp Go to: [youtube]