Ganja Vibes Blog

Sex and Weed

Have you ever sat back and considered how sex and weed are truly so similar?

You set out with intention
Cultivating the experience
With the right environment
Growing together
Now full-bodied and readied
Feel ecstasy, the passion
Everything blooms
Experience the immaculate
So many ways to feel
So many ways to touch, taste, penetrate you
So many ways to consume
Hash burning so hot
Smoke, vapors rising
Then just like that
It's gone
The people
The plants
The smoke circle
The dance
The high
The chance
To let go
To feel good
To be in and out of your body at the same damn time
Never again to exist in the very same way
Never again to be replicated just so
Your memories the proof
Your nerves the reminder
Your mind's eye set to wonder
Find the same high
So beautiful
Will you find her
~ Ganja Vibes


by HeatherB

Sex, Drugs & Rock N’ Roll


I know you have heard the catchphrase a million times. It was a phrase coined in the late 1970’s and has lived on and flourished even in today’s society. It’s screamed at parties, blasted on t-shirts and proclaimed on social media sites. So what about it? Sex, Drugs & Rock N Roll, have you ever tried it?

 Whenever I think of having sex while high and how great everyone thinks it is all I can think of is that scene from Half Baked…”Did you ever see Scent of a Woman? Did you ever see Scent of a Woman ON WEED?”  The first time I ever had sex while high was also the first time I was ever on top. I am the type of person who doesn’t like to do anything unless I know I am great at it so for me being on top was tantamount to being in charge of sex and in being in charge I am left wide open to criticism. This was all of course before I understood exactly how men looked at the entire sexual experience. It is pretty hard to be bad at sex LOL. Anyway I digress. For a lot of people it seems that there are many upsides to being high. There is the time distortion, the heightened senses, more communication, increased libido and increased stamina but the most important one, at least to me, was the not giving a fuck. People reported the tendency to not care more, to be less self-conscious.

 My first time having sex while high was in Las Vegas when I was 20. Mind you I was a virgin until I was 18, a bit of a late bloomer. I was out there with this guy, his best friend and his best friend’s girlfriend. The first night we were there we all hung out in the hotel room and smoked. That night I killed two firsts with one bowl.  It felt good, I was way more in touch with my senses and body then I had ever been before. For someone like me who is constantly in their head and whose brain never really shuts off enough to connect with much else being high was a welcomed relief. I could actually feel things I had never been calm enough to feel before. Even more than all of that I didn’t think twice to get on top and ride it until I couldn’t feel my legs anymore. I didn’t care what he thought or what I thought, I just felt and went with it, the way sex is supposed to be enjoyed. It was awesome, less because of him and more due to the high. Not to take credit from him but I do need to clarify why it was great. This was just the first date in a long love affair I had with weed and sex.

 It’s not like being drunk. For most people myself included drunken sex is not that memorable. Not because of the sex but literally because a lot of the time you are so drunk you don’t remember it! You wake up in a daze, usually still a little drunk, naked and questioning what happened last night. It sucks I know but it’s usually the case. Even if you do remember it, the only that drunken sex and high sex, have in common is the loss of inhibition. Other than that the two could not be more different. When drunk, I find myself with dulled senses and in some cases if I am too intoxicated I get tired and lazy, whereas when I’m high I am enthusiastic because everything feels much more intense.

 It seems to be that the consensus is that having sex while high is the way to go. Most of the people I have talked to have thoroughly enjoyed it, even people who don’t smoke regularly or even ever at all, will tell you that having sex while high is extremely satisfying. Of course there is always the chance that you smoke yourself stupid and cant even function let alone get up the energy to take your clothes off but that usually only happens to the novice. For the most part people have responded with a resounding, YES! There are many reasons this could be the case but many of them come down to a simple science.

 According to marijuana and sex are a classic combination. “Marijuana and sex are gifts of nature. We enjoy them because biology and evolution have equipped us to do so. Just as our bodies contain pleasure systems which reward us for sex; our brains contain neurocellular circuitry, which can only be activated by substances with THC's molecular structure.” I guess that says it all right there. We are wired to enjoy both and we have evolved to be this way. Being high and having sex both produce similar physiological responses so it stands to reason that the two together make a natural couple. What do you think?

Please welcome ~SweetDee as one of our Ganja Vibes content providers!

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