Ganja Vibes Blog

Dietary and Medicinal Use of Cannabis


Net Resources

Websites with Useful Information Related To The Dietary And Medicinal Study And Use Of Cannabis

Cannabis Connections / Links to Links
International Association of Cannabinoid Medicine Links
National Cancer Institute Reveiw of Cannabis
A definitive and current reveiw of cannabis, signalling a change at the top. Excellent lists of references.

Wikipedia Highlights: Online Education

The sites of action of Phytocannabinoids
ECS modulates cellular function, the more one knows about the range of cell structure and function the better one can conceive of phytocannabinoid influenced cellular modulation. Up and down regulation of the cell specific physiologic and pathophysiologic function.
The Endogenous Cannabinoid System
A group of neuromodulatory lipids and their receptors that are involved in a variety of physiological processes including appetite, pain-sensation, mood, and memory; it mediates the psychoactive effects of cannabis.
Cannabinoid Receptors
The Cannabinoid Receptors are one of several sites of actions of the Phytocannabinoids.
Phytocannabinoids also have direct action of enzymes & channels. This article covers the generic principals.
Overview of cannabis limited to psychoactive uses
I hope if you are at this level at Cannabis International you are interested in anti-oxidant anti-inflammatory, anti-neoplastic, or other uses ideally in a preventive or therapeutic mode, more accurately in a phrase, developing recognition of cannabis as a ‘dietary essential’. Other than the initial comments, an incredible series of links.
Medical Cannabis
More on point, this medical cannabis page does not emphasize the cannabinoid acids that act at GPR55, affectionately known as the Orphan Receptor. There is no doubt it deserves to be CB3, the Phytocannabinoid Receptor, where the delicate cannabinoid acids act as an antagonist producing their potent anti-inflammatory effects.


A pleasant reveiw of the diverse uses of cannabis.
Beckley Foundation
A well thought out global policy on ‘victimless crimes’.
Search the Beckley Foundation library
The Beckley Foundation online library comprises an extensive scientific bibliography, with research papers on consciousness and drug policy research.
Patients out of Time
Every two years, Patients out of Time presents a national CME qualified conference.
ICRS / International Cannabinoid Research Society
20 years of rigorous research, presented in North America and Europe on alternating years. This year in Chicago. The annual ICRS Programme is an excellent overview of the breadth of research on the Endogenous Cannabinoid System, Exogenous ligands including synthetic and phytocannabioids. Go to the particular year and in the side bar is the Programme PDF. Drop on a CD, print & bind and pull up a very comfortable chair.
International Association of Cannabinoid Medicine
A bi-annual conference held in Germany, with affiliate conferences in other European countries.
O’Shaughnessy’s Journal for Cannabis Clinicians
US National Library of Medical Publications
Google Patent Search
Clinical Trials site
Review of anti-oxidant trials
Institute of Medicine
Schaffer Library of Drug Policy
Schaffer Library Table of Contents


List of medical conditions, developing patented products

Online Education

GGECO University
Medical Cannabis Conference - Speakers
Kristen Peskuski and myself presented, at some point they may be available online
707Cannabis College
Oaksterdam University

Cannabis International

A Resource For The Dietary And Medicinal Study And Use Of Cannabis


How Cannabis Works

'Everybody must get stoned' ~ Bob Dylan U.S. and Brazilian scientists have just proven that one of Bob Dylan's most famous lines—"everybody must get stoned"— is correct. That's because they've discovered that the brain manufactures proteins that act like marijuana at specific receptors in the brain itself. This discovery, published online in The FASEB Journal, may lead to new marijuana-like drugs for managing pain, stimulating appetite, and preventing marijuana abuse. Studies show that the release of the body's own marijuana-like compounds is crucial to stress-induced analgesia the body's way of initially shielding pain after a serious injury. Cannabinoid compounds have been shown to inhibit the growth of tumour cells in culture and animal models by modulating key cell-signalling pathways. Scientists from Hungary, Germany and the U.K. have discovered that our own body not only makes chemical compounds similar to the active ingredient in marijuana (THC), but these play an important part in maintaining healthy skin. This finding on "endocannabinoids" just published online in, and scheduled for the October 2008 print issue of, The FASEB Journal could lead to new drugs that treat skin conditions ranging from acne to dry skin, and even skin-related tumors. "Our preclinical data encourage one to explore whether endocannabinoid system-acting agents can be exploited in the management of common skin disorders," said Tamás Biró, MD, PhD, a senior scientist involved in the research. "It is also suggested that these agents can be efficiently applied locally to the skin in the form of a cream." Biró and colleagues came to this conclusion by treating cell cultures from human sebaceous glands (the glands that make the oil on our skin) with various concentrations of endocannabinoids (substances produced by the body that are similar to the active ingredient in marijuana). Then they measured the production of lipids (fat cells, such as those in skin oil), cell survival and death, and changes in gene expression and compared these outcomes to those in an untreated control group. "This research shows that we may have something in common with the marijuana plant," said Gerald Weissmann, MD. "Just as THC is believed to protect the marijuana plants from pathogens, our own cannabinoids may be necessary for us to maintain healthy skin and to protect us from pathogens ." Cannabinoid receptors The CB1 receptor The CB2 receptor The possibility of CBn receptors Endocannabinoids Anandamide 2-arachidonoyl-glycerol Palmitoyl-ethanolamide Docosatetraenylethanolamide and Homo-g-linoenylethanolamide Oleamide Some Proposed roles of the endogenous cannabinoid system Learning and synaptic plasticity Pain Vision Neuroprotection Allergy and regulation of inflammation Reproduction Source: Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology