Ganja Vibes Blog

Return to innocence

426770_10151096787147488_796553968_n People always gripe and complain about getting older. It's true getting older can be something of an arduous task. With the proper diet/ nutrition, exercise and fervor for life, getting older doesn't have to look like it used to in the days of cigarettes and booze at every turn, even in the office place. At times libido has been known to suffer from old age or even just mature age. Again, with proper bodily care what's left to overcome is mental blockades which are generally gained over time from negative experiences. Just like a daily skin regimen involving...PRODUCTS...a sexual refinement regimen can be utilized to revamp or RESEX anyones life. The current state of our world, when is comes to sex, has become a wide open playing field. You can fuck who you want, virtually when you want, how you want....if you want?. Enter into any "sex shop" or peruse any online adult novelty store and it's all at your finger tips. Even the leading condom brand, Trojan, has joined the ranks of sex toy manufacturers abound. Right now I can look over to my nightstand and find an amazing array of pleasure products. Yes, I am a sex toy designer and yes I do "research" to find what I think the world needs to spice up their lives and regain that youthful innocence which we all long for once past the age of, now a days roughly 28. It all began with a healthy love of human connection and a wild curiosity of what our bodies are capable of when it comes to pushing the boundaries of winning pleasure. Thanks Charlie Sheen, an orgasm is a grand moment of WINNING! Returning to innocence is something to me that sounds like we would be able and allowed to explore, without judgement or shame, what ever boundaries we think we have with regard to where the human body, the human spirit and the kundalini meet. Since we love to attach products to any action or intent, as we humans do, pleasure products are here and readily available to anyone excited to reawaken that innocence. Think of them as the board games of the bedroom, the princess tiaras and boas of the seduction wonderlust, the racquets and balls of our courts ie where ever you like to "get down". Dusts, gels, lubes, finger paints, pasties, ropes, swings, spankers, powders in all flavors, temperatures, colors and's a wonderland of sensual fun! These are not limited to partner play alone....take your time when breaking down your barriers and returning to your innocence. Play with your products alone to get acquainted. Most insecurity occurs because of discomfort or distrust of self for one reason or another. Be caring and considerate to yourself and your partner. Laugh in the bedroom WITH each other or alone, it's the best way to break the ice. So often I've had partners that never want to separate because I am "in the moment", unafraid and candid. No matter whether there's a slip, not up the butt!....we aren't talking about that right now...or what would seem to be a mishap while exploring, it's all in fun and for the sake/ in the name of pleasure. So go ahead and HAVE FUN! Don't even hold back if you have the slightest curiosity, go with it and see where your real boundaries lie beyond the pretense. (so many puns I can barely stand it!) Think about it, when you were young and beginning to learn about was all OK, because, "you are young". As time and all the media has shown us, no one really grows up. We are all just big ass children roaming around with lots of allowances and responsibilities getting by and making the most of the lives we're given. Use some of that money to invest in your pleasure chest, expand your repertoire while ultimately gaining more satisfaction!

What Does Sex Positive Mean

Question: What Does Sex Positive Mean?

The term sex positive has been in use in academic and research writing since at least the mid-1950s (probably much earlier, I've read that Wilhelm Reich was credited with first using the term). In these early references, sex positive was most often used as a synonym for erotophilia. In contemporary usage, the definition of sex positive continues to develop, and no one has made much of an effort to argue for a unified vision of sex positivity.

The term sex positive began to be used with greater frequency during the feminist “sex wars” of the 80s and 90s. At that time it was often used to define oneself in opposition to the anti-pornography feminists. Sex positive was used interchangeably with the term “pro-sex” and it began to include the idea that that sexual expression could be transgressive, that people can attain sexual freedom through the performance of sexual acts and sexual ways of being.

Carol Queen, an author and activist who has long been associated with the term sex positive, and whose 1997 collection Real Live Nude Girl was the first mainstream book to use the term sex positive in its title, defines sex positivity this way:

Sex-positive, a term that's coming into cultural awareness, isn't a dippy love-child celebration of orgone – it's a simple yet radical affirmation that we each grow our own passions on a different medium, that instead of having two or three or even half a dozen sexual orientations, we should be thinking in terms of millions. "Sex-positive" respects each of our unique sexual profiles, even as we acknowledge that some of us have been damaged by a culture that tries to eradicate sexual difference and possibility. Even so, we grow like weeds.”


In an article for Planned Parenthood on providing sex positive sex education, Lisa Tobin writes that being sex positive includes:

  • Having a comprehensive definition of sexuality
  • Viewing sexual health as a basic human right
  • Focusing on the life-enhancing aspects of sexuality as well as attention to the negative aspects
  • Being non-judgmental and challenging narrow social constructs
  • Using inclusive language rather than value-laden language which makes assumptions based on sexual orientation or gender stereotypes
  • Assisting individuals to be aware of the choices involved in sexual decisions

The sex educator’s definition of sex positive usually invokes less of the transgressive politics, and focuses more on the positive psychological and physical impact of sexual expression.

While the term sex positive is still used in activist and academic writing, as well as in sexual health and sexology, these days it can most often be found in marketing materials for a wide range of for profit businesses that make money off selling sex in one form or another to the public. In this usage, it has become a short hand for sexual normalization. Thus a "sex positive author" is someone who will make you feel okay about whatever it is they tell you how to do in their book, and a “sex positive sex toy store” will make you feel good about whatever they sell you).

Whether sex positivity will lose its meaning in the face of so much marketing remains to be seen. But as long as there are other organizations (or, say, governments) whose agenda includes restricting sexual rights and expression, the idea of sex positivity remains an important one for all of us to hold on to.


What Does Sex Positive Mean.

How To Play With His Balls During Sex

I’m a balls girl. I’ve just always felt comfortable hanging out in the ball region. Even when I first started hooking up below-the-belt with guys and all of my friends only did the absolute basics (ie, just focusing on the shaft), I ventured into ball town. I’m not exactly sure why, but it seemed to come naturally to me. (The instinct, that is. Not the balls.) I take full responsibility for converting my three sophomore year roommates into ballers back in college. Until I talked to them about the topic, they had never gone near the guys. You’re welcome, all future hook-ups of those girls! Anyway, my cojones expertise really shined for today’s positions, the Randy Recliner. Unfortunately, D. and I didn’t have access to a poolside recliner (or the desire to get arrested for public indecency at a public New York City pool), but we did come up with a good substitute. We used a lounge chair with the ottoman pushed against it. We started in position but without penetration while D. stimulated me from behind. Then once I was ready, I lifted my hips and he pushed into me. The whole thrusting thing was kinda weird…I sort of just alternated sliding back and forth and bouncing up and down — very, very carefully. And here’s where the ball play comes in… Just like the Kama Sutra claims, it’s a great position for fondling the boys. So while he used his hands to work on me (gotta love manual stimulation during sex!), I used mine to work on him. I gently pulled them away from his body and traced them with a finger tip. (Sometimes I carefully scratch them with my nails or massage them too.) And the result was — I hate to use cheesy similes, but in this case I think it’s necessary — as explosive as fireworks. Seriously, so, so good. I really think the ball TLC had something to do with D.’s enjoyment. His orgasm just seemed so much more intense than usual. I actually watched D.’s toes curl in pleasure. He also kicked his feet and bounced his knees! Totally different view of an orgasm seeing the lower half of a guy’s body! Definitely try it sometime. (And bonus, I didn’t have to feel at all self-conscious about my O-face. I know, I know — I shouldn’t anyway. But I could really let loose without worrying that I looked like I was trying to open a can or something.) Does your guy have any slightly strange movements or faces he makes when he comes? Do you? Are you into playing with a guy’s balls? Any techniques to share? Read more: How To Play With His Balls During Sex - Cosmopolitan

Getting Off: A Woman’s Guide to Masturbation

This is a guest post by Holly Ord of Menstrual Poetry Masturbation is a healthy part of every person's life. Even as part of a relationship and while maintaining a healthy sex life, self-love still plays a healthy role in one's life. People start exploring their bodies at very young ages; from infant boys who every time you change a diaper, their hands are immediately exploring their penis and young girls who will mindlessly start exploring themselves whenever time permits. This is extremely healthy and positive behaviour, but there are a great deal of people and organizations who beg to differ, going as far as to saying that any type of sexuality whatsoever, including masturbation, is unnatural, sinful, and just about anything else they can think of in order to scare people out of doing something that is natural and should be celebrated. Jamye Waxman has a master's degree in sex education and has written the book Getting Off, an entire guide to masturbation just for women--Or for men who want to know more about the body of a woman and pleasuring all of those sensual zones a woman has. Getting Off is an asset for every single woman, regardless of their knowledge of sexuality or their bodies. The book goes over several different topics, from the anatomy of an orgasm (the small, indifferent orgasm, the mediocre, satisfying-but-not-by-much orgasm, the can't-get-enough, pass out afterward orgasm, and everything in between), fantasies, vibrators and other sex toys that can be used to heighten sexual pleasure while masturbating, how masturbation is viewed by mainstream media and the people who use the media as their only ground for knowledge, and so much more. While reading through the different sections of the book, I was overjoyed to see a lot of the topics brought up that I didn't expect to be brought up in such a refreshing light, such as the topic of anal sex and stimulation and how a great deal of women enjoy anal stimulation but feel too shy to explore the possibilities it can bring them sexually due to its social stigma as being referred to as strictly an exit. It also highlights a great deal of fun facts, such as the fact that graham crackers and Corn Flakes, food items that people eat to curb hunger, which in fact invented to curb masturbation, and the first vibrators were found in doctors' offices to help cure women of "hysteria," or what I deem as merely "sexual frustration" since the hysterical woman stereotype is still alive and going strong. Getting Off is a resource that you will find yourself flipping through again and again, it is full of extremely positive and helpful information and completely obliterates the falsities that society and mainstream media have put in place for women, especially the "prudish woman" title or the belief that women cannot be sexual and sexually satisfying individuals.