Hard evidence:
It has been determined that prostate massage in men actually reduces the risk of prostate cancer. Could it not be just as important for women to know if draining the gspot could also provide health benefits? When the female prostate (gspot) has become enlarged or caused discomfort it is called female urethral diverticulum or female prostatitis. Many urinary tract infections (UTIs) have been incorrectly diagnosed and treated due to this disregard for the female prostate.
Even beyond the health aspects of female sexuality, women's sexual pleasure is important solely for the sake of itself.
It is actually good for you much like the benefits of prostate massage for men. Because it cleanses the urethra it can also PREVENT UTI's (Urinary Tract Infections).
A beautiful man once wrote:How often do you go down on your partner before intercourse? And intercourse aside, how often do you engage in oral sex just for the sake of... oral sex? If the numbers are low, I have to say: You and are your partner are missing out. I mean, I know. It can be near-impossible to resist diving in to sexy time penis first. But an intense session of cunnilingus can definitely add something to your intimate life that neither of you are getting from the same old in-and-out. So what's the big deal? For one thing, giving her oral sex can be a great form of foreplay. Your partner may not have mentioned this to you, but women typically are not ready for intercourse after just one arm caress and a boob grope. They often prefer a warming-up period in order to become physically and psychologically aroused, which, in turn, makes it easier for them to experience pain-free sex and, perhaps, even reach orgasm(s). But oral sex doesn't even have to be used as foreplay. For a really intense sexual experience, try making cunnilingus the main event. In many cases, women orgasm more reliably from cunnilingus than they do from intercourse. But you have do it right. Giving her oral sex is not as simple as merely thrusting your tongue into her vagina and making it do the wiggle. Nay. Mind-blowing oral sex requires some actual technique. Mark Coriddi, author of The Mount Method: a Guide to Pleasuring Women, suggests first establishing a "mount." Nope. Not a "dismount" (though cunnilingus does require a bit of oral gymnastics). Achieving a mount means that your mouth and her pubic area come together in such a way as to maximize the pleasure she experiences during your mouthy ministrations. Both men and women have a mount. According to Coriddi, a man's mount is the area of his upper lip just above his teeth. A woman's mount, meanwhile, is the center of the pubic bone, where there is a slight cradle into which your mount naturally fits. "Connecting your respective mounts and maintaining that persistent connection throughout the process of arousal is essential to mind-blowing oral sex," says Coriddi. "Specifically, it allows you to firmly place your mouth just where it needs to be for maximum stimulation of your partner’s clitoris." To make all of this easier, consider placing a pillow or two beneath her pelvis. It will make her hot spots easier to access. Once you're properly positioned, there are a number of things you can do in order to rock her world. First, warm her up by caressing her inner thighs, breathing naturally so she can feel your breath on her clitoris and on the other areas of her vulva. This will help build up anticipation, making her squirm for more as you prepare to really impress her. Then, once you’re ready, begin licking her like an ice cream cone, in long, thick strokes that cover the entire area down there. Let your licks gradually build up in intensity before plunging in fully. Once you’ve reached a certain rhythm, try mixing things up (though you should remain mindful of how she's responding to your touch; if she's finding a specific rhythm or touch particularly pleasurable, she may never forgive you if you suddenly change course)"Once you're properly positioned, there are a number of things you can do in order to rock her world."
"Lick her senseless with a short burst of energy and then return to the flat, still tongue, waiting for yet another opportune moment to spring to life again."What else can you do down there? Use your lips to kiss her most intimate parts, alternating those particular kisses with smooches on her thighs. Lightly nibble and then suck on entire bits of her skin. The gentle suction will feel incredible, especially if you can still manage to continue using your tongue. Blow softly across her skin, teasing her with the new sensation. Don't be nervous about experimenting with different approaches when giving her oral sex. Once found, a skilled cunnilinguist rarely goes unappreciated. But if you’re not sure exactly how, just press a flat, still tongue against her vulva and let her do the work. It’s the cunnilingus equivalent of letting her get on top. One of my favorite tongue techniques that I talk about in my book She Comes First is the “Rope-a-dope”-- the strategy Muhammad Ali used to take down George Foreman during the edge-of your-seat Rumble in the Jungle. Let her push and grind against your flat, still tongue -- take it all in -- and then spring back with a series of fast vertical and diagonal tongue strokes. Lick her senseless with a short burst of energy and then return to the flat, still tongue, waiting for yet another opportune moment to spring to life again. What's most important while giving her oral sex is that you remain mindful of how she's responding to you. As I write in The Cliterate Male, you should never assume your partner is as excited as you are. Even if she's wet down there, her physical arousal may not be indicative of the psychological arousal she is -- or isn't -- feeling. Instead, you should be focusing on these other signs of physical arousal: -an increase in the pace of her breathing -an increase in her body temperature and heart rate -a high state of tension in her muscles -a tightening of her abdominal muscles -a throbbing of her pelvic muscles -a general "bearing down" on the pelvic area. As Coriddi so eloquently puts it, cunnilingus is "a delicate dance -- and she’s leading you." If she's not exhibiting the signs above, continue to mix up your technique. If she's showing one or multiple signs of arousal, for the love of god, don't stop! As you become more comfortable with the techniques above, you can even consider investing in a vibrating tongue ring, in order to pack some extra punch down below. But, honestly, you don't need all those bells and whistles. You just need an enthusiasm for the job at hand -- and a willingness to follow her lead. Read more: http://www.askmen.com/dating/love_tip/36_love_tip.html#ixzz2PWKQFLHv
The term sex positive has been in use in academic and research writing since at least the mid-1950s (probably much earlier, I've read that Wilhelm Reich was credited with first using the term). In these early references, sex positive was most often used as a synonym for erotophilia. In contemporary usage, the definition of sex positive continues to develop, and no one has made much of an effort to argue for a unified vision of sex positivity.
The term sex positive began to be used with greater frequency during the feminist “sex wars” of the 80s and 90s. At that time it was often used to define oneself in opposition to the anti-pornography feminists. Sex positive was used interchangeably with the term “pro-sex” and it began to include the idea that that sexual expression could be transgressive, that people can attain sexual freedom through the performance of sexual acts and sexual ways of being.
Carol Queen, an author and activist who has long been associated with the term sex positive, and whose 1997 collection Real Live Nude Girl was the first mainstream book to use the term sex positive in its title, defines sex positivity this way:
“Sex-positive, a term that's coming into cultural awareness, isn't a dippy love-child celebration of orgone – it's a simple yet radical affirmation that we each grow our own passions on a different medium, that instead of having two or three or even half a dozen sexual orientations, we should be thinking in terms of millions. "Sex-positive" respects each of our unique sexual profiles, even as we acknowledge that some of us have been damaged by a culture that tries to eradicate sexual difference and possibility. Even so, we grow like weeds.”
In an article for Planned Parenthood on providing sex positive sex education, Lisa Tobin writes that being sex positive includes:
The sex educator’s definition of sex positive usually invokes less of the transgressive politics, and focuses more on the positive psychological and physical impact of sexual expression.
While the term sex positive is still used in activist and academic writing, as well as in sexual health and sexology, these days it can most often be found in marketing materials for a wide range of for profit businesses that make money off selling sex in one form or another to the public. In this usage, it has become a short hand for sexual normalization. Thus a "sex positive author" is someone who will make you feel okay about whatever it is they tell you how to do in their book, and a “sex positive sex toy store” will make you feel good about whatever they sell you).
Whether sex positivity will lose its meaning in the face of so much marketing remains to be seen. But as long as there are other organizations (or, say, governments) whose agenda includes restricting sexual rights and expression, the idea of sex positivity remains an important one for all of us to hold on to.
Me, Heather B, Founder of Ganja Vibes
Be Kinky, Be High...on life....One Love!
LOS ANGELES—It's often been said that the adult entertainment industry drives technology. That maxim certainly rang true in the 1980s when porn helped usher in the home video revolution, and it was driven home in the late-'90s and early aughts when porn companies embraced video-on-demand at its inception to bring adult entertainment a brand-new distribution platform.
The adult industry continues to innovate, and perhaps the most progressive product to come down the pike in recent years is the all-new iPorn. Under new ownership, the site aims to do for porn what iTunes did for music.
The new iPorn team is backed by Silicon Valley entrepreneurs with past successes in mobile media and content delivery along with a few familiar faces from the adult industry—including AVN Award-winning director Joshua (of skinworXXX and Rock Star Entertainment fame) and Jim Crawford of SoCal Licensing, who will exclusively be handling all content licensing.
iPorn uses proprietary technology to optimize adult content that's purchased via its revolutionary VOD platform. Through its proprietary encoder, iPorn users receive a bit-for-bit version of the movie that's identical to the master—one file is optimized for every platform and device. The technology supports full 1080p high-definition on devices that support it as well as high-bit streaming capabilities. Additionally, the iPorn.com site itself is coded in dynamic HTML 5 in order to give users a custom experience no matter what kind of device they use to access the site.
So what's the big deal? How does this all work for consumers, and what differentiates it from any other VOD site out there? The short answer, and one of the site's biggest selling points, is that no other service with premium adult content offers compatibility with Apple's iOS at the same level or ease of use as iPorn.
Upon purchasing an adult movie from iPorn the user receives a download link via email. Once the movie is downloaded and clicked, it opens in iTunes under the dynamically created genre "XXX," where all other future adult purchases will reside. iTunes treats the file like any other purchase—the box cover and all the adult title's metadata (clickable links to the studio, niche, performers, etc.) is there too, making the experience exactly like purchasing any mainstream movie from the iTunes Store directly. From there, the video is accessible via mobile, tablet or desktop. Users also have the option to rent movies, gaining immediate access to a stream from any device.
On iOS mobile devices iPorn purchases can be accessed through Apple's built-in stock video app on iPhone or iPad just like one would access any other previously purchased video content from iTunes. Users also can access their purchased and synced videos through the optimized iPorn.com site on any mobile device.
The "XXX" genre automatically created by iPorn upon the user's first purchase can be controlled easily through Apple's parental controls. This gives parents the ability to restrict access to their adult content on any device.
“In addition to being optimized across all platforms, the technology and brand being introduced today happens to be the best iOS experience that the adult industry has to offer,” Joshua told AVN. "This is a revolutionary product. It gives you an experience on mobile devices, especially iOS, unlike anything you have experienced."
Most of the influential U.S. and European studios currently are vying for prime placement on the platform. Joshua said he expects iPorn to launch with more than 1,000 titles that the user can either purchase to own or stream—all movies on the service will be available for either downloading or streaming, and users can even download or stream individual scenes too.
"One file will play on every single mobile and tablet platform, as well as Mac, PC, Apple TV, Google TV, Roku—you name it," Joshua said. "This is the technology and the site that both fans and producers people have been waiting for for years. You get Blu-ray quality, dot-for-dot pixel accuracy to the master, at a file size that's excellent for downloading or streaming. iPorn is the future of our business, and I think a way to save our business as well."
Joshua said that he expects iPorn Beta to launch soon, with a full launch slated for spring.
For business inquiries, email partnerships@iPorn.com. For media inquiries, email media@iPorn.com.
AVN - The Future is Here: Revolutionary New iPorn Launches.