Ganja Vibes Blog

1 in 3 Women own a Vibrator

That's more than own a washing machine.
A vibrator is now considered an essential item for many modern women. Now there truly something - that vibrates - for everybody.

Your hand is good, the 'Ganja Vibes Spanker' is better

We are fielding quotes for toy #2 coming off the press for Ganja Vibes Adult Novelty line. This one is sure to leave an impression.


spank spank YES.... spanking-01 url spanking150708_450x331 9 NO.... YES...spanking-bettie-page-11 elvis-spanking OohSpankMeLearn and earn...



Don't be afraid to get slobbery!

Wise Guys: What Makes a Great BJ? Advice from three of our guy friends. This week they answer the following: “What’s the difference between an average blowjob and an excellent blowjob?” Straight Single Guy (Chris): I have had a handful of extraordinary blowjobs in my lifetime. Generally I say something to any talented giver, pointing out how noteworthy her skills are. One lovely woman asked me to explain why I thought it was so good. I thought about it for a minute and I think my answer to her is the same answer to this question: Enthusiasm. You’ve got to enjoy what you do. Vigor. You’ve got to do it like you want to finish the job. Lubrication. You can’t be afraid of a little saliva. Gay Married Guy (Jon Ross): The thing that really separates the ho-hum BJ from the eyes-rolling-into-the-back-of-my-head one is undoubtedly passion and enthusiasm. Of course, there are many technical aspects that come into play, but even the most experienced, tongue-twisting mouth would be boring if there was no desire behind it. So, if you want to give a guy an excellent blowjob, get into it. There is nothing sexier for me than when the person blowing me is performing enthusiastically and getting turned on while doing so. I understand blowjobs are not everyone’s  cup of tea. So it’s time to play-act a little. Find out what your man likes and go for it full tilt booty. Hopefully you’ll get something equally excellent in return. Oh, and just in case somehow someone missed the memo,  the cardinal rule of blowjobs is NO TEETH. Straight Married Guy (James Glazebrook): No teeth, and a lot of practice. Problem is, women don’t know how it feels to have your dick sucked, and how it should or shouldn’t be done — and we guys aren’t about to tell them how.  We’re far too grateful to be on the receiving end to interrupt with helpful hints.  We just lay back, relax, and hope it doesn’t grate too much. Our “guys” are a rotating group of contributors. This week’s Straight Married Guy is James Glazebrook of Manflet, our Straight Single Guy is Chris DiClerico, and our Gay Married Guy is Jon Ross. To ask the guys your own question, click here. via Wise Guys: What Makes a Great BJ? | Em & Lo: Sex. Love. And Everything in Between..

Double her pleasure

Here’s some hard science: Playing with her nipples may excite the part of her brain linked to genital pleasure. A recent Rutgers University Study found that when women stimulated their nipples, the same brain region that lit up when they masturbated was activated. “There may be a fusion between the sensations, which can explain why both feel erotic,” says study author Barry Komisaruk, Ph.D. And yes, it’s also likely to happen when you stimulate her nipples, he adds.